Jan 25, 2012

Quick Setup Synergy in Ubuntu 11.10

Ever wonder having one mouse and one keyboard to access multiple PC across platform. 
Yes, the answer is using Synergy. This free and open source software will easily make your mouse move seamlessly between all of them, no boundaries :).

In this post, I'll show you how easy setting up your synergy in Ubuntu 11.10.

  • Download Synergy from their website (I prefer the stable version).
  • Install in both (or more) of your machine. It's using deb file so no worries right :)
  • After that install quicksynergy (again in both of your machine), it's kinda like GUI for synergy. Just type the syntax below
sudo apt-get install quicksynergy 
  • Now, in the host machine, where your mouse and keyboard attached. type in terminal (again)
  • It'll call small window show-up like this
Adjust where the edge that will take you to the next PC
  • Write the host name on dedicated edge. 
  • Next on client PC, where you want your mouse and keyboard appear. Same with above, call up your quicksynergy using terminal.
  • Since it on client side, move to 'use' tab in quicksynergy window. It's no use messing around with 'share' tab here, so just move to 'use' okay.
  • Now fill your host IP address, if you using DHCP just get back to your host PC and type 'ifconfig' in terminal to retrieve that
  • After you filled the host IP address in client side, move back to host PC and click execute.
  • Be sure you do the same in client side, click execute.
  • At this point you should notice that whenever your mouse touch your right edge, Voila ! it'll move to your next machine (client side).

I think that's all. I hope you get benefit from this 'well-written' tutorial :) Credit goes to Arif Widipratomo, who noticing me to use quicksynergy in twitter, it's really helpful suggestion bro.

So, if you have anything that I can help you with, be sure to comment below. Thanks for reading and enjoy your visit.

Picture by Aditia A. Pratama

Jan 22, 2012

Visualisasikan Mimpimu !

Perkuat mimpimu dengan visualisasi.
Tuliskanlah dan jangan hanya kau simpan dalam pikiranmu.

Rekatkan ia didinding kamarmu agar senantiasa kau lihat.

Maksimalkan ikhtiar dan mohonlah kepadaNYA agar terlimpah keberkahan dan keridhaan. Dan yang paling penting, "pantaskanlah diri kita".

Terima kasih sudah membaca mimpi-mimpi saya. Mohon di doakan agar segera terwujud yah :)

Picture by Aditia A. Pratama

Jan 21, 2012

Some Creativity Done by My Mom

Below are some photos that I take for an epic flower creation by my lovely Mom.

Gorgeous and so beautiful.
Can you guess it made by what? Let's read your opinion in comment below.

Picture by Aditia A. Pratama

Jan 11, 2012

The Different between Vertex and Vertices

The term of vertex and vertices are so confusing for me. 
At first I think both are so much different, but after googling a lil' bit, I found out that :

Vertex is a single point in 3D space, it has 3 dimensional directions (x,y,z axis). When connected to others, it'll form edge, face, curve, and polygon.

Vertices is a plural form of vertex (that's very brief and clear explanation).

Oh yeah, the source where I learn them are in 3drender.com and blender 3d wikibook.

I think that's all. Pretty easy, isn't it? So, how about you? What is the difficult term that you think is very hard to comprehend in learning 3D? Share it below, so maybe I can help you out.

Thanks for reading.

Picture by Aditia A. Pratama

Jan 8, 2012

Away From Crowd #5

 From the title I guess you already know what is it about :)


Picture by Aditia A. Pratama

Jan 6, 2012

Panduan Instalasi NVidia CUDA di Ubuntu 11.10

Berikut ini adalah tutorial instalasi CUDA di Ubuntu 11.10 yang coba saya paparkan lebih detail dari postingan sebelumnya yang berbahasa Inggris. Semoga bermanfaat.

Panduan Instalasi CUDA Di Ubuntu 11.10

Picture by Aditia A. Pratama

Jan 4, 2012

New Year's Gift from Distance Friend

"AlhamduliLLAH, Praise to ALLAH". 
That was the first word I said when I read a message in facebook. It was from distance friend, Oliver Villar, founder of blendtuts.com in Spain.

He wrote  :
" Hi there, Aditia! Your name didn't show up in the random selection for the free copies of the hologram project...

Anyway! You've been there for a long time, and this is my way of saying thank you. Contact me please, and tell me your email, so I can send you a free copy tomorrow

Thanks, and keep blending! "

The story was, Oliver held a giveaway and discount for his latest product in social media. It's tutorial for creating awesome hologram animation using blender. Below is the trailer for tutorial.

Actually, my name didn't appear as a winner in his website. But because he was so kind, he sent me a message and give me the tutorial for free. Awesome isn't it?

Oliver, if you read this, then I thank you so deeply. Thanks a billion.

Last year I also got a gift from web design ledger for premium wordpress theme. I've been using that for my site, fossgrafis.com since then.

And my mom also give me a gift.  Yesterday when I went home from office, I just a bit surprised that my chair has been replaced by a new one. Thanks mom..love you so much.

So, how about you? What is you new year's gift? Share your experience in comment below, I want to congratulate you too.

Thanks for reading.

Picture by Aditia A. Pratama

Jan 2, 2012

Why Reference is So Important for 3D Artist

Is it possible to create a great awesome result in 3D software without using any reference? Well maybe, but for me it won't work. To prove it, I've done some experiment to create a scene from scratch using blender without any reference.

And below is the result. 

I'm not satisfied with the result
Let's compare with something that I've make using reference.

For any level of 3D artist, reference is needed. I think it's also applied to 3D animator. Reference is like the guide lines, it help us to get understanding with the object that we'll transform into 3D.

Reference can come into any form like :
  • photo from your phone or SLR
  • Image from concept artist
  • your sketch in notebook

To conclude, yes the reference is important for any level of 3D artist. It's good habit to always have reference before we start modeling. So, you have any opinion for this topic? let's discuss it in the comment below.

Thanks for reading.

Picture by Aditia A. Pratama

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