Oct 18, 2011

Lost Focus


Just realized lately when I have to manage community blogs, while I have my own personal blog. I have to decide which one I need to take care first. 

The idea is jumping out from my head but I'm reaching my limit. I'm not super-geeks who can code and post content at the same time. I also missed my weekly tutorial as my life getting crowded. 

I think, I was too overwhelmed by my own decision. I was lack of understanding about my own capacity. I think I could handle this all alone, but in the end...I was stuck in nowhere.

I need team, I need people who better than me. Where should I find any? Have a clue ...

Picture by Aditia A. Pratama


  1. Wew ... better than U ... ?? 

  2. kewalahan ceritanya nih bro..fokus2..yg mana yg prioritas..hire org kalo perlu.  Semangat so nice !!! :P *sok nasehatin*

  3. siaap bu...terima kasih atas inputnya yg gag kepikiran 'hire orang'. Tapi rada susah nyari yg se'visi' eh...ada saran?

  4. Markati Prasetio10/18/2011 4:45 PM

    halo mas adit, I really get where you're at.. I think, the first thing to do to deal with "being overwhelmed" is, don't lose focus, but you said you already lost it.. maybe, you can take the priority from those  websites you manage, you can pick the more important thing that need to be done first, than get the next priority accomplished.. that's right, you need a team if you want to make things done together at the same time..

  5. like this, sist

  6. susah nyari bukan berarti tidak bisa sama sekai kan mas^^ hehe

  7. yups..betul mas, insyaALLAH klo kita berusaha pasti ada ALLAH akan memberikan jalan dan kemudahan, insyaALLAH

  8. very true mbak...stronger alone will break someday, but strong as team, the chance to break are rare. Thanks mbak

  9. betul...betul.. nyari orang yg sevisi emang langka yah..  you'll find the way.. insyaALLAH :)


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