Apr 14, 2012

Instagram Addict

Helooo guys.. it's been so looooong !

In this quick post I want to inform you that finally I have instagram account, if you have too just follow me at @aditiapratama.

Instagram is a great apps I think, I really love it since I take picture a lot :)

Well I think that's for today, see you!

Picture by Aditia A. Pratama


  1. Markati Prasetio4/14/2012 4:09 PM

     halo mas adit, sori blm ak follow instagramnya. pls abis hehe.. btw, itu tgl 8 juni mau nikah ya?? selamat ya.. Barakallah.. :D

  2. Iyah mbak gpp, insyaAllah mohon doanya yah mbak :)


Terima kasih atas komentarnya !

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