Nov 27, 2011

It's a 'NEW' Day

Firstly, alhamduliLLAH we reach a brand new year in Islam, 1433 H. I pray for you all to have better achievements in this new year.

So, just an announcement about what I have progressing here. Our latest tutorial finally out after having a hard time recording it with ffmpeg. Eventough there's still a glitch but we'll keep progressing. I'll also updating the new concept for our website.

Other thing that I wanna tell you, finally we have our own Google+ page, be sure to +1 it and of course drag us to your circle.

It's a NEW year, so it's all about a NEW Spirit.

Picture by Aditia A. Pratama

Nov 24, 2011

Start Recording Again

Okay, for a couple of month I haven't record any tutorial or even write them down. So, now I decide to continue again. And actually I've already make a timelapse tutorial but haven't published just yet.

So, here it goes. Hope you enjoy :)

Timelapse Symmetrical Drawing in Inkscape

Compositing Render Layer in Blender - Video Timelapse

Thanks for watching, and be sure to subscribe to my youtube channel for notification about my latest video.

Video by Aditia A. Pratama

Nov 20, 2011

Cuda Toolkit has been Installed

Okay, now I'd like to inform you that Cycles - a brand new blender render engine, works like a charm in my oneiric. Here's a quick shoot.

Thanks to Timo Dickscheid for a brilliant tutorial about Installing Cuda in Ubuntu Oneiric Ocelot.

Picture by Aditia A. Pratama

Nov 17, 2011

Another Intro Animation Done in Blender

If you already notice, my blog was slightly changing from time to time. It's like butterfly which need to pass metamorphosis phase to get a beautiful wing and fly away.

So am I :)

Okay, today post about a new concept animation that already done for my project. I just need to tweak and added another camera to make this happen in blender. Thanks to Kernon Dillon tutorial about animating multiple camera in blender which really come in handy.

Here goes my animation, enjoy and of course share your feedback below.

Thanks for watching.

Video by Aditia A. Pratama

Nov 15, 2011

Installing Cuda on Ubuntu 11.10

Installing Cuda on Ubuntu 11.10 - This article originally from I haven't try this yet, but I'll let you know once I've done with it. Oh yeah be sure to thank him, by visiting his website, he sure has a lot of things useful there.

Timo Dickscheid's wrote : To install Cuda, I followed some hints on bottom of this thread, but also had to fix a few more issues.

  1. Download the current Cuda Toolkit for Ubuntu and the GPU Computing SDK, and save the .run files somewhere. (I'll make your searching bit easy by visiting this link, you'll be transport to Nvidia Cuda Toolkit download page, choose for your latest current distribution.)

  2. Install and select gcc/g++ 4.4
    sudo apt-get install \
        gcc-4.4 g++-4.4 build-essential
    sudo update-alternatives \
        --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.6 40 \
        --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.6 
    sudo update-alternatives \
        --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.4 60 \
        --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.4

    Check with
    sudo update-alternatives —config gcc
    gcc —version

    that you have now version 4.4.x of the compilers.

  3. Install the nvidia drivers
    sudo apt-get install \

  4. As root, run the two .run files from nvidia (see 1.).

  5. For compiling the SDK examples, you also need to install
    sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev libxi-dev

    and create the following links
    sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
    sudo ln -s /usr/lib/nvidia-173/ /usr/lib/

    Then go to the NVIDIA_GPU_COMPUTING_SDK_... folder. In the file C/common/ change the line

    LINKFLAGS += /usr/lib/nvidia-current

    Then run make. This should compile everything, indicating that the CUDA stuff works.

Article by Timo Dickscheid

Nov 2, 2011

Latest Animation Project

This is my animation for creating intro title for upcoming LP3I TVC. All animation and compositing stuff done in Blender 2.60a.

Breakdown Screenshot

Also visit my latest project here on


Video and picture by Aditia A. Pratama

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